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November 30, 2017
Bio-Labs achieve GMP compliance certificate from FDA Philippines, based on PIC/S guidelines

Bio-Labs is proud to be one of the few select manufacturers in Pakistan to achieve GMP compliance certificate from FDA Philippines, based on PIC/S guidelines.  PIC/S (Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme) is a non-binding, informal co-operative arrangement between Regulatory Authorities in the field of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) of medicinal products for human or veterinary use, presently comprising  52 Participating Authorities coming from all over the world (Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Australasia). This is to be achieved by developing and promoting harmonized GMP standards and guidance documents; training competent authorities, in particular inspectors; assessing (and reassessing) inspectorates and facilitating the co-operation and networking for competent authorities and international organizations. This is reflected in PIC/S’ mission which is to lead the international development, implementation and maintenance of harmonized GMP standards and quality systems of inspectorates in the field of medicinal products.